Explore the world of NRC Group

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A unique position in the Nordics

Building sustainable transport solutions

NRC Group is a leading Nordic infrastructure company, building sustainable transport solutions in Norway, Sweden, and Finland. We provide in-house competence and expertise in complex projects for rail, light rail and civil engineering.

Tomorrow in the making

We connect cities and people

NRC Group builds sustainable infrastructure, and how we do it matters to us. We continuously work to reduce emissions, recycle and reuse materials. By setting targets and transparently disclosing our performance, we aim to credibly demonstrate our progress. The safety of our employees and partners is still our number one priority. Executing projects in a safe working environment, require continuous training and focus from the entire organisation.

Sustainability insight

The Insight blog

Welcome to a more personal page from NRC Group. On the blog we share topics related to sustainability, infrastructure, recycling, energy, environment, innovation and much more. Our goal is to create a dialog with our followers and readers/watchers. The blog consists of both blogtexts, videos, animations and podcasts.